Tuesday, July 16, 2013

When Feeling Old Makes You Want to Be a Kid, Again.

Okay - I know the title of this post may make some people roll their eyes. Yes, 24 is not very old. However, after playing a long amount of basketball the other night, my body felt at least twice my age. It didn't help that most of the kids I was playing with were the girls I'm coaching, who I remember when they were about 8 years old. And, my sore muscles made me want my 16 year old body back. This made me think of some the nice things about being a kid (or at least being younger).

1.  Your body is like an athletic bouncy ball. Able to take a beating and recover in no time.
2. The high metabolism didn't suck either. I mean, I was able to eat a gigantic bowl of ice cream nightly and didn't gain a pound.
3. Mom made dinner, and went grocery shopping, and did most of your laundry...
4. When someone asked you what you wanted for Christmas or your birthday, your mind didn't immediately jump to "what practical thing do I need...?" and instead asked for fun things and toys.
5.  No one tried to set you up on a date, or ask "So, do you have a boyfriend yet?"
6. Work was never there to interfere with holiday breaks.

Don't get me wrong - there are plenty of things that are awesome about being an adult. I really like the whole independence- no curfew-able to buy wine-creating your own path part. Its just that - when your whole body is in pain from playing your favorite sport, you tend to think of a time when that didn't happen. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has felt this way, am I?

Well, good luck to all you people trying to combat the hands of time. I don't know about you, but this "old" girl is going to bed.


{Okay. One funny note to leave. Tonight, when watching the MLB All Star Game, Neil Diamond sang "Sweet Caroline". My Dad judged the performance by saying "Eh, I think I like the Glee version better." Well, this is a first. I didn't even know my Dad liked Glee. This does make me slightly concerned about the music he is listening to. However, I think we will discuss that another day.}


  1. Your dad spends way to much time in his car - no telling what he listens too!

    1. haha SO true! When I asked him about how many Glee songs he know he replied "I don't know, a couple. Its not a big deal!"
